Count Nicholas L. von Zinzendorf
Original Missionary First Church Building (Made of Wood)
1761 – 1803
1762 – 1778 –  Johann Helfrich Schaum (Dedicated 1st Church; died)
1789 – ? – Johann Friedrich Ernst (Uncertain start and ending)
1792 – ? – Johannes Schwarbach (Uncertain start end ending)
1794 – 1806 – John F. Obenhausen (Dedicated 2nd Church building)

Second Church Building (Made of Stone)
1803 – 1925
? – 1811  – Daniel Lehman (Died while serving)
1811 – 1839  – John Knoske (Served 28 years)
1839 – 1873  – G.  F.  Yeager (Served 34 years)
(* On Sept. 22, 1844, the Union Church Constitution was adopted)  
“New Bethel Zion Union Church”

1844 – 1925

Rev. B.S. Small 1874 – 1890
Rev. F.K. Bernd 1891 – 1896
Rev. O.S. Scheirer 1896 – 1914
Rev. J.O. Schlenker 1914 – 1926 (Dedicated 3rd Building)

Third Church Building (Made of Stone)
1925 – 1969

Rev. Ira W. Klick 1927 – 1947
Rev. Craig Dorward 1949 – 1957
Rev. Paul Spohn 1958 – 1962
Rev. Donald Wert 1962 – 1974

1947 – 1948    – Addison Planz (Died while serving – No picture available)

(* The Union Church agreement ended in 1969; the name was changed in 1971)

1971 – Present

1974 – 1975    – Israel Yost (Served 5 months; never installed)

Rev. Ernest Flothmeier 1975 – 1983
Rev. Jeffrey Bortz 1984 – 1991

(*Mount Zion had no permanent pastor from August, 1991 to April, 1994)

Rev. David Fritch 1994 – 1996
Rev. Guy R. Grube 1996 – 2001
Rev. James Hammond 2002 – 2015
The Rev. Dr. Dennis Ritter, Interim Minister 2015 – 2017
Vicar Jeremiah T. Heydt 2017 – Present

Acknowledgements:  A special thank you to the late Dr. Rodney E. Ring for translating the old German records of the church into English and to Mrs. Dorothea Boyer for gathering the information contained in this history. Without the help of Mrs. Nancy Dorwart, Mr & Mrs. Ira Dietrich, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Grim, Mrs. Naomi R. Drumheller, the Fritzsche Organ Company, and other Mr. Zion family members too numerous to list, this “History of Mt. Zion Lutheran Church” history would not have been completed.

Thank you to everyone who helped with this endeavor.  Additional details are inserted by Mrs. April Osterstock as they develop.

During the 250th Anniversary observance in 2011-2012, additional information was obtained and added by Sharon Billger, Jean & Wayne Dietrich, Naomi Ring, April Osterstock (History Committee Chairwoman), Eloise Tucker and Jacob Wessner.  Our deepest gratitude is extended for their commitment and hard work for these contributions. Additional source is The Historical Introduction and Church Constitution of 1844, published in 1890 in Kutztown by the “Journal &  Patriot Publ. Co. (translated in 1995 by Rodney E. Ring0 and the “Brief History” of the 1925 Dedication Bulletin.