Happy New Year! As we head into a new year, we have a lot to be thankful for at Mt. Zion. We are in good financial shape, we are a slowly growing congregation, and we are making progress with projects inside and out. Our new lights for the upper parking lot are complete and proving a more secure lot. We also had our first Christmas Social with lots of fun and fellowship, fulfilled all the Angel Tree wishes, collected 18 Christmas Meal Boxes through LSO, and provided four residents some help through our Fall Labor of Love. I’m so thankful for all of your participation in these and other projects. Our congregation IS our membership. YOU are a part of all of this. If you aren’t involved yet, please join in! We would love to have you on a committee, and many hands make for light ork.
Council met on December 12th. Besides the information above, we learned about some wonderful donations made by our members to help out the church financially. Thank you to those who donated. Our next big outdoor project will likely be the installation of a digital sign along Old Rt. 22.
We also need to begin planning for this year’s VBS. WE NEED A DIRECTOR! Someone needs to step forward to get the planning started. I’m willing to help, but I cannot lead it this year. Please consider stepping forward to lead this important event for our youth. The planning needs to get started early to choose a program and gather a team. Contact me. Michelle Fegely, or Vicar if you are interested.
Best wishes for a healthy and successful New Year! I can’t wait to see what we accomplish together in 2025!
Karen Wanamaker
Council President