Religious freedom for everyone enticed settlers to the area, and we know that a group of Lutherans from Germany were among the farmers in the vicinity of Grimsville in 1742 when Count von Zinzendorf preached at an old mill, which is now north of Kutztown and south of Krumsville. Without formal organization, the Lutherans in this area kept their religion alive by worship in private homes.
The Germans settling in the vicinity of Greenwich Township to till the soil brought with them their Bibles, hymn books, and prayer books in order to remain faithful to the teachings of the Christian religion they obtained in Germany, which they considered essential for their salvation. They had occasional services by traveling missionaries, among them was Count von Zinzendorf in 1742.
Four other congregations had been established in a radius of about 5 or 6 miles by foot or horseback, Dunkel’s – – near Lenhartsville, New Jerusalem Red – to the north in Albany Township, Ziegel – to the east in Weisenberg Township, and Maxatawny – to the south in the same named township. An additional church at the hub was justified by the increasing population, but retarded by the French and Indian War.
Then, in the Spring of 1761, the Evangelical Lutherans of Greenwich resolved to build a church. A tract of land containing two acres was bought. Even before this happened, the cornerstone was laid on the 18th day of May by the Reverend Bernhard Hausihl of Reading. On June 19, 1762, George Kamp, a delegate of the congregation, called on the Reverend Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg with a letter requesting admission to the Synod, and the services of Reverend Johan Schaum as pastor.
The completed church was dedicated on October 3, 1762, by Reverend Schaum and named “Bethel”. While the neighboring churches mentioned were all of log construction, this new church was the first one of solid stone masonry and popularly known as “The Stone Church”. It served the congregation for 41 years until it was considered inadequate to properly accommodate the increasing membership. By a vote of 21 to 5, it was decided to build a new stone building.
An interdenominational agreement was also signed in 1761 between the Lutherans and German Reformed that, while the Church was to be on Lutheran ground, the Reformed would also hold their services therein. This agreement was renewed in 1778. A second tract of land containing 50 acres was bought from Michael Smith for $243.00 in order to build a parochial schoolhouse to preserve the Christian doctrine on a Lutheran foundation, which also was shared with the Reformed congregation.
Stone for the second church was broken in January 1803, on land nearby. The corner-stone was laid on Whitmonday, May 30, 1803. The building was completed by October and dedicated on November 6, 1803, by the Reverend John Frederich Obenhausen. At this time the name was changed to New Bethel Zion.
Although it had been exclusively Lutheran ownership since 1761, on September 22, 1844, it was agreed by both Lutherans and Reformed congregations, that the entire church and school property should be used jointly creating a “Union Church”. The constitution contained nineteen specific articles which gave each congregation joint ownership and equal rights. They accomplished this while John Tyler was president of the United States and David Porter was governor of Pennsylvania. The Reformed were required to pay $100.00 for their rights to all the property and this amount was to be used for the upkeep of the building.
In 1882 the church was thoroughly remodeled, a steeple build and a bell purchased. The cost of these improvements was over $5,000.